So for the second day in a row. I dragged my poor husband around Schweinfurt. We went to the Tegut and bought some nice German food for lunch. We ate some salami (or somethng similar) and sunflower bread sandwiches. Some Thai chili potato chips. Mmmm. Some dessert pudding stuff. We drove to a little park to eat our lunch and wander. It was nice. Now he's sleeping like a baby since he works overnight tonight. Walker would have loved it, but sadly he is still coughing so can't play with
any other dogs just yet.
We think this little gray tube could be connected to a tunnel system. Either from WW2 or earlier. The door is welded shut, but we enjoy having conspiracy theories about such things.
and here it is again...
Little building with spray painting on the inside. Looks like it might have been used to watch the river. Its set back pretty far, but has an over view of the river and is about 100 meters from what we want to believe is a secret tunnel.
We found this sign while on our walk. TrinkWasser means drinking water, I'm pretty sure. The rest I can't even try to read, but it didn't say Verbotan sooo...we ignored it.
untersagt is another word for verboten... but who cares!!!! looks like you guys have a pretty nice area around you. i've never been to schweinfurt myself!