Monday, June 14, 2010


Everyone has challenges and everyone handles their challenges differently. I'm a shut downer. I do what I need to and then I go home and read a book. So having my husband gone for a large block of time is testing my skills. I haven't posted in about a month, not necessarily because I don't have anything to say, but rather because I don't want to say it. I'm actually doing really well as a single wife and I think we're finally getting a functioning unit together. Baby Lu is crawling. And standing in his crib. And eating everything. Walker is his usual pain in the butt self. and me? Well I'm doing good. I'll try to find the umph to post more often now that my travels are complete. Possibly even about something more interesting than my antisocial behavior. (I have been reading my usual blogs btw...just not commenting. I know. I'm fired.) =)


  1. Maybe you could start by sharing some Baby Lu pics? ;-)

  2. So glad to hear from you!! I was getting a little worried. I agree that we need some new LU pics =)

  3. LOL you're NOT fired :) Glad you are doing well...I wanna see pics of lil man when you feel like posting some!

  4. Lu Lu Lu, where are you?!?! LOL sorry, pre-op drugs are totally in effect! I miss my Mary, I love my amazing friend, and you are a beautiful example of a military wife, mother, and person. I am lucky to have you in my life (And little Lu, since he is teaching me how to hold babies.....)
