Saturday, December 13, 2008

The story behind the title.

So I read this once and it made me so thankful for my life
I am thankful to be plump.
I will rarely be petite.
And I can't wait to be pregnant.

A military wife is mostly girl. But there are times, such as when her husband is away and she is mowing the lawn or fixing a youngster's bike, that she begins to suspect she is also boy. She usually comes in three sizes: petite, plump and pregnant. During the early years of her marriage it is often hard to determine which size is her normal one. She has babies all over the world and measures time in terms of places as other women do in years. "It was in England that the
children had the chicken pox...In was in Texas, Paul was promoted..." At least one of her babies was born or a transfer was accomplished while she was alone. This causes her to suspect a secret pact between
her husband and the military providing for a man to be overseas or on temporary duty at times such as these.A military wife is international. She may be a Kansas farm girl, a French mademoiselle, a Japanese doll, or a German fraulein. When discussing service
problems, they all speak the same language.She can be a great actress. To heartbroken children at transfer time, she gives an Academy Award performance: "New Mexico is going to be such fun! I
hear they have Indian reservations...and tarantulas...and rattlesnakes." But her heart is breaking with theirs. She wonders if this is worth the sacrifice. An ideal military wife has the patience
of an angel, the flexibility of putty, the wisdom of a scholar and the stamina of a horse. If she dislikes money, it helps. She is sentimental, carrying her memories with her in an old footlocker. One
might say she is a bigamist, sharing her husband with a demanding entity called "duty." When duty calls, she becomes No. 2 wife. Until she accepts this fact, her life can be miserable. She is above all a woman who married a man who offered her the permanency of a gypsy, the miseries of loneliness, the frustration of conformity and the security of love. Sitting among her packing boxes with squabbling children nearby, she is sometimes willing to chuck it all in until she hears the firm step and cheerful voice of the lug who gave her all this. Then she is happy to be...his military wife.


  1. Hi
    New to the blogospere? I must say that your title is dope! So, you don't like seeing the world?

  2. I love seeing the world. I hate seeing it alone.
