Friday, February 6, 2009

Funtimes Friday!

Mwahahah...I found another fun blogging carnival. Everyone loves a good 'ole blog carnival. Tutu's Bliss has some photographing tips. Angela is the crazy fun girl behind this fun party. Its called High Five Fridays. And guess what I get to play fast and lose with the rules. A list of anything I want...5 things on said list. Woot! Let's do this.

My current 5 favorite things about Germany

1.) Currently it is not icy and cold like back home. I can go outside without a parka. Secretly I like to gloat about this fact. I just won't tell my parents that I rubbing it in that they live in the frozen tundra in NY.

2.) They have the coolest most random stores. Yesterday we went to a home furniture store. Their mattresses are sooo comfortable. My husband and I have decided when we get to the states we still want a German mattress.

3.) They drink beer with everything. But are generally not the drunk idiots around town.
(Thats the American soldiers.) McDonalds serves beer. How fun is that?

4.) One word. DonerKebobs.

5.) The random trails through the fields. They go for miles. With little signs directing you to other towns and villages. "Hambach 3 Km" Walker and I enjoy them. Sadly we can't walk them right now due to some lingering kennel cough issues.

Happy Friday! Thank you Angela for orgainizing a fun time...and letting me play along...even though I didn't actually ask....I sort of volunteered myself to play along. Hope you don't mind!

Oh yea and Tutu's Bliss is having a fun hawaiian give away if you want to play along!


  1. What fun! I love the beer in McDonalds titbit!


  2. Beer IN McDonald's NOW there is an idea!! Thank you so much for joining in!

  3. Germany sounds great! My sister lived in Germany for 3 years while she was in the AirForce...she loved it.

  4. Wow that was cool! And I'm tripping on the beer at McD's too :) LOL

  5. Thanks for the shout out and I miss DonerKebobs! MMMM I also miss the garlic gourmet olives you could pick up at Walmart for next to nothing. I miss Germany HUGS Jen

  6. I just got out of Wiesbaden last July after being there for 3.5 years, and I must say...I miss doner kebaps!!! Especially since I got pregnant right before I left I dream about them :( and if you ever go to Wiesbaden to the mall downtown [I forget the name of it] they have the best chinese food I've ever tasted in my life.
