Monday, April 27, 2009

The baby Journals. Week 17.

OK so this was supposed to be posted Thursday, but life got crazy. Apparently it does that with two extra adults in the house. I'm still doing well. Went to the German doctor so have a new ultrasound picture. Just don't have a picture of that picture yet. Also I have a new buddha belly growth picture. It's somewhere. I promise I'll find them. While in Berlin one of my friends used my memory card in her camera and currently I don't know where it is soooo...I'll find it eventually. Melissa went with me to the appointment and was fairly startled when after the ultrasound the doctor said she needed a vaginal sample to test the pH and then had me drop my pants right there (I did warn her about this prior to the office, she just didn't understand.) She was also amused as to how people would knock and then walk in say something to the doctor or the tech and then leave. Not so private, but the people walking in were all my prior techs anyway.

Baby is doing good and growing like a freaking little weed. He is officially making his presence known by inserting himself into the most uncomfortable positions in my abdomin. Little bugger. No sex verification this time since he wasn't in a good position. Hopefully next time at his big "measure all body parts and compare" ultrasound. That is if I decide to find out. lol. I'm still not sure. Well I'll be back soon with some pictures once I can identify their final location. =D


  1. EEK! I would have been super embarrased! But I HATE going to the gyno so thats just me ;)

  2. Do share the first precious pictures of Gods creations !

  3. gotta love the places babies find while in utero...kidneys, ribs, maybe even our spleen? love you

  4. Yay! Can't wait to see pictures of the little thing. I know how my appointment's go and I cant imagine just having someone walk in...weird
